Raising up generations of young people in the Truth can change the world. For 75 years, the Lord has been at work in amazing ways using Woodcrest Christian to build His kingdom. From 44 years of alumni living out their faith and sharing the Gospel, to faithful staff dedicated to preparing the next generation, the Lord has always had a plan for His school. What a privilege that we get to be part of that plan. The Lord is raising up Royals, and the world needs more of them!
As we embark on our 75th anniversary, it is apparent that the Lord has much more in store for Woodcrest Christian. Just looking at His provisions this 2022/23 school year are evidence that the Lord is pursuing families, students, and staff. He is preparing our school and the hearts of our community for the next 75 years. An incredible journey it will be!
Will you join us as we embark on the next 75 years? We have many exciting events planned as the year unfolds. Please mark your calendar to experience them with us! Exciting programming and activities will be announced as we celebrate all the ways that the Lord has been faithful in the past and anticipate what He holds for the future. Stay tuned to this webpage and our social media as we step into exciting new opportunities the Lord is opening up! Be a part of the next 75!

There are many ways that you can be a part of the next 75. Through your prayers and support, we can impact the world for Christ together. For more information on ways you can support Woodcrest Christian, please contact Mr. Jeff White at mr.jeffwhite@wcss.org.